Tertön Mingyur Dorjé
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Tertön Mingyur Dorjé (1645-1667) — an emanation of Shüpu Palgyi Sengé, and the immediate reincarnation Trulshik Wangdrak Gyatso. Tertön Mingyur Dorjé is the revealer of the Namchö cycle of termas. His anniversary falls on the 16th day of the third Tibetan month.
Further Reading
- Georgios T Halkias, Pure-Lands and other Visions in Seventeenth-Century Tibet: a Gnam-chos sādhana for the pure-land Sukhāvatī revealed in 1658 by Gnam-chos Mi-’gyur-rdo-rje (1645-1667), in Power, Politics and the Reinvention of Tradition: Tibet in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century, eds. Brian Cuevas et al. Brill Publishers, 2016, pp. 121-151.
- Karma Chakmé, The All Pervading Melodious Sound of Thunder: the Outer Liberation Story of Terton Migyur Dorje, translated by Lopon Sonam Tsewang and Judith Amtzis, with a foreword by Penor Rinpoche, Palri Parkhang, Nepal, 2008. The Tibetan text and its English translation have been made available online by the TBRC [1].
- Ven. Tsering Lama Jampal Zangpo, A Garland of Immortal Wish-Fulfilling Trees: The Palyul Tradition of Nyingmapa, translated by Sangye Khandro (Snow Lion, 1988)