Seven precious emblems of royalty

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The seven emblems of royalty (Wyl. rgyal srid sna bdun) are the seven possessions of a universal monarch (Skt. chakravartin). They are:

  1. the precious golden wheel (Skt. cakra-ratna),
  2. the precious wish-fulfilling jewel (Skt. maṇi-ratna),
  3. the precious queen (Skt. strī-ratna),
  4. the precious minister (Skt. puruṣa-ratna),
  5. the precious elephant (Skt. hasti-ratna),
  6. the precious horse (Skt. aśva-ratna),
  7. and the precious general (Skt. khaḍga-ratna).

These symbolize the seven noble riches.