Khenpo Kunpal - Bodhicharyavatara - Chapter 4: Carefulness (MP3)
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Content of all chapters: Shedra East MP3
Khenpo Sönam Tobden's teaching MP3's

Recorded during Shedra East 2006-2007 in Pharping / Nepal
Chapter 4, Carefulness
- online 20061229PH1000ST.MP3
Chapter 4, Carefulness, the root downfalls of (forsaking bodhichitta of) aspiration and application
- online 20061230PH1000ST.MP3
Chapter 4, Carefulness, detailed explanation
- online 20070101PH1000ST.MP3

break due to empowerment and pilgrimage
Chapter 4, Carefulness, precious human condition
- online 20070105PH1000ST.MP3 (translated by Stefan)
Chapter 4, Carefulness, precious human condition cont., importance of practicing virtue
- online 20070106PH1000ST.MP3 (translated by Stefan)
Chapter 4, Carefulness, the defects of negative emotions (cont.)
- online 20070108PH1000ST.MP3
Chapter 4, Carefulness, how to abandon emotional defilements
- online 20070109PH1000ST.MP3