Lives of the Hundred Tertöns
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The Lives of the Hundred Tertöns (Wyl. gter ston brgya rtsa'i rnam thar) is a collection of biographies of Guru Rinpoche and the most important tertöns by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé. It is included in the Rinchen Terdzö.
Full Title
- zab mo'i gter dang gter ston grub thob ji ltar byon pa'i lo rgyus mdor bsdus bkod pa rin chen bai durya'i phreng ba
- Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye, The Hundred Tertöns, translated by Yeshe Gyamtso (Woodstock: KTD Publications, 2011)
- Ngawang Zangpo, Guru Rinpoche: His Life and Times, Ithaca: Snow Lion, 2002. (Biography of Guru Padmasambhava only)
- Padmasambhava, Dakini Teachings, Erik Pema Kusang (trans.) Boston: Shambhala, 1990 (Biography of Guru Padmasambhava only)