
Buddhaguhya (Skt.; Tib. སངས་རྒྱས་གསང་བ་, Wyl. sangs rgyas gsang ba) — a great Indian master who played a key role in the transmission of the Mahayoga teachings in India and Tibet. He was a teacher of Vimalamitra.
- Entrance into the Meaning of Tantra (Skt. tantrārthāvatāra; Wyl. rgyud kyi don la 'jug pa)
- Eye Commentary
Further Reading
- Alex Wayman, 'Three Tanjur Commentators: Buddhaguhya, Ratnākaraśānti and Smṛtijñānakīrti', Tibet Journal, vol. 8, no. 3 (Autumn 1983), pp. 24-36.
- Dudjom Rinpoche, The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, Its Fundamentals and History, trans. and ed. Gyurme Dorje (Boston: Wisdom, 1991), vol.1 pp.464-466