Drikung Chetsang Incarnation Line

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Drikung Chetsang (Tib. འབྲི་གུང་ཆེ་ཚང་, Wyl. 'bri gung che tshang) Incarnation Line — the successive reincarnations of Könchok Rinchen who became the lineage holders of the Drikung Kagyü lineage, along with the Chungtsang Rinpoches. The Chetsang Rinpoches are considered to be manifestations of Chenrezik.

  1. Drikung Könchok Ratna, aka Gyalwang Könchok Rinchen (dkon mchog rin chen) (1590-1654/5)—a son[1] of the 21st throne holder of the Drikung Kagyü lineage, Chögyal Rinchen Phuntsok (1547-1602)
  2. Könchok Trinlé Zangpo (dkon mchog 'phrin las bzang po) (1656-1718)
  3. Könchok Tenzin Drodul (dkon mchog bstan 'dzin 'gro 'dul) (1724-1766)
  4. Tenzin Pemé Gyaltsen (bstan 'dzin pad+ma'i rgyal mtshan) (1770-1826)
  5. Könchok Tukjé Nyima (thugs rje nyi ma) (1828-1881/5/9)
  6. Shyiwé Lodrö (zhi ba'i blo gros) (1886-1943)
  7. Könchok Tenzin Kunzang Trinlé Lhundrup (dkon mchog bstan 'dzin kun bzang 'phrin las lhun grub) (b.1946), the 37th throne holder of the Drikung Kagyü lineage


  1. The eldest of his two youngest sons. That is the reason the name 'chetsang' (elder) was given to his reincarnation.

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