Dzagyal Khenpo Bumthar

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Dzagyal Khenpo Bumthar

Dzagyal Khenpo Bumthar (Wyl. mkhan po 'bum thar) (approximately 1925-2000)was regarded by some as an incarnation of Patrul Rinpoche, but he never accepted the designation himself. Among his teachers were Patrul Namkha Jikmé, Khenchen Thubten Chöpel and Khenpo Kunzang Palden

His tsa-lung lineage thus came from Patrul Rinpoche, who taught Khenpo Kunzang Palden, who taught Patrul Namkha Jikmé. It is said that whenever he taught tsalung, he demonstrated all the movements himself, including all the 'bebs', even at the advanced age of seventy.

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