Jikme Lingpa Timeline

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Jikme Lingpa Timeline


  • Birth (age 1 according to Tibetan counting)


  • At the age of five (six according to Tibetan counting) he joins Palri Ösal Tekchen Ling


  • At the age of thirteen he meets Tukchok Dorje.


  • He becomes a novice monk at the age of 14 (15 according to Tibetan counting)

1757 Fire Ox year

  • Starts first three year retreat
  • Composes his first major writing, the Detailed Commentary on the Lama Gongdü
  • Discovers the Longchen Nyingtik. In the evening of the twenty-fifth day of the tenth month of the Fire Ox year of the thirteenth Rabjung cycle he has his vision where he flies to the Boudha Stupa.
  • One scroll was the Dukngal Rangdrol and another A Casket of Enlightened Mind, a Manual of Essential Instructions


  • Starts second three year retreat at Chimphu. During the retreat he has three visions of Longchenpa.
  • Composes Words of the Omniscient One
  • Reveals The Spontaneous Vajra Song of Fulfilment and Confession while he was staying at Samye Chimphu.
  • He receives the Seventeen Nyingtik Tantras, the Vima Nyingtik, Lama Yangtik and other transmissions from Drubwang Orgyen Palgön (Shrinatha) of Mindroling Monastery.
  • After his retreat his has a vision of Thangtong Gyalpo

1761 Iron Snake year


  • On the tenth day of the sixth month of the Wood Monkey year he gives the empowerments and explanation of the Longchen Nyingtik for the first time to fifteen disciples.
  • At the age of 34 he moves from Chimphu to Tsering Jong and founds his monastery Pema Ö Ling


1771 Metal Rabbit Year

  • Wrote In Praise of the New Publication of the Collected Nyingma Tantras
  • "From the spring of the Metal Rabbit Year until summer of the next year I was busy with all the work concerning the publication of the precious Collected Tantras." (rnam thar, page 236)


  • At 43 he gathered together and commissioned the copying of the Nyingma tantras in twenty-five volumes and he composed his history of the Nyingma tantras, An Ornament which Pervades the World: A History of the Precious Collection of Tantras of the Earlier Translation School.


  • At 57 he visits Sakya
  • Dodrupchen comes to see him.


  • At 60 he gave teachings to the King and Queen of Derge, Sawang Zangpo and Tsewang Lhamo, at Samye. [1]


  • Writes his Discourse on India


  • At 62 he visits Göntse Gönpa of Tsona in Mön


  • At 63 Nepali forces attack Tibet and Jigme Lingpa performs ceremonies.


  • At 65 he and his consort have a son called Gyalse Nyinche Özer.


  • At the age of 65 (66 according to Tibetan counting) he reveals the Takhyung Barwa treasure.


  • At 69 he travels to Drikung for the enthronement of his son
  • At 70 he returned to Tsering Jong
  • Passes away on the third day of the ninth month of the Earth Horse year
