Pema Khandro

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Pema Khandro or Lotus Dakini (Tib. པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོ་, Wyl. pad+ma mkha' 'gro) — a magnetizing practice of Kurukulla belonging to the Three Roots Profundity of Long Life cycle, one of the Seven Profound Cycles revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.

Revelations and Composed Texts Belonging to the Pema Khandro Cycle

  • Kurukulla Preliminaries: the Easily Applied Sadhana and Preliminaries for Padma Dakini according to the 'Profundity of Longevity' within the Seven Profound Teachings, (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་ཕྲིན་ལས་སྔོན་འགྲོ་ཁྱེར་བདེ་ལྡེབ།,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las pad+ma mkha' 'gro'i phrin las sngon 'gro khyer bde ldeb), by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye.
    • English translation: Kurukulla Preliminaries: the Easily Applied Sadhana and preliminaries for Padma Dakini according to the 'Profundity of Longevity' within the Seven Profound Teachings, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: In accordance with the wish of the supreme Chöying, the Nirmanakaya of Palnge, this was written by Chimey Tennyi Lingpa, directly as it came to mind. By the virtue of this, may personal experience be brought under power. May virtuous goodness increase.
  • The Sadhana of the Lotus Dakini for Magnetizing Activity According to the Three roots ‘Profundity of Longevity', Among the Seven Profound Teachings, (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་དབང་གི་ལས་སྦྱོར་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་སྒྲུབ་ཐབས།, zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las dbang gi las sbyor padma mkha' 'gro'i sgrub thabs), revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • English translation: The Sadhana of the Lotus Dakini for Magnetizing Activity According to the ‘Profundity of Longevity' Among the Seven Profound Teachings, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: I, Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, took this out of Yelphug Namkha Dzo in the company of the destined Sukha.
  • The Secret Sadhana of the Magnetizing Dakini, According to the Three roots ‘Profundity of Longevity’, from among the Seven Profound Teachings, (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་དབང་གི་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་གསང་སྒྲུབ་ལྡེབ,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las dbang gi mkha' 'gro'i gsang sgrub ldeb), by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • English translation: The Secret Sadhana of the Magnetizing Dakini, According to the ‘Profundity of Longevity’, from among the Seven Profound Teachings, translated by Gyurme Avertin and Marcia Schmidt, and corrected by Zack Beer, Rangjung Yeshe Publications.
    • Colophon: I, Chokgyur Lingpa, retrieved this terma from Yelpuk Namkha Dzö guided by Sukha.
  • Single page inner sadhana of Pema Khandro, According to the Three roots ‘Profundity of Longevity’, from among the Seven Profound Teachings, (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེ་ཟབ་ལས། པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོ་ནང་སྒྲུབ་ཤོག་གཅིག་མ།,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe zab las / pad+ma mkha' 'gro nang sgrub shog gcig ma), revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • Colophon: I, Chokgyur Lingpa, retrieved this terma.
  • The Torma Offering & Praise of the Lotus Dakini & Enjoining the Activities, (པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོར་གཏོར་མ་འབུལ་ཞིང་བསྟོད་པ་ཕྲིན་ལས་བཅོལ་བ།,pad+ma mkha' 'gror gtor ma 'bul zhing bstod pa phrin las bcol ba/), revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • English translation: The Torma Offering & Praise of the Lotus Dakini & Enjoining the Activities, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: This is a genuine profound terma revealed by Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa at Yeldrag Namkha Dzö.
  • Fire offering of the Lotus Ḍākinī, from the Three Roots Profundity of Long life, from among the Seven Profound Cycles, (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་སྦྱིན་སྲེག་ལྡེབ,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las pad+ma mkha' 'gro'i sbyin sreg ldeb), revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • Colophon: Revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa at Yelpuk Namkha Dzö
  • Instructions for Making a Wind-driven Mantra Wheel, an Application of Activity for the Lotus Ḍākinī, (པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོ་ལས་སྦྱོར་རླུང་འཁོར,pad+ma mkha' 'gro las sbyor rlung 'khor), revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • Colophon: Revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, together with a ḍākinī companion of noble family at Yelpuk Namkha Dzö
  • Instructions for Making Tsatsas, an Application of Activity for the Lotus Ḍākinī, (པདྨ་འམཁ་འགྲོའི་སཱཙྪའི་ལས་སྦྱོར,pad+ma 'mkha 'gro'i sAtsa+tsha'i las sbyor), revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • Colophon: Revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa at Yelpuk Namkha Dzö
  • A Manual for Blessing Magnetizing Substances of the Lotus Ḍākinī, According to the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity, from among the Seven Profound Cycles, (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་དབང་སྡུད་རྫས་སྒྲུབ་ལྡེབ,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las padma mkha' 'gro'i dbang sdud rdzas sgrub ldeb), revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • Colophon: Revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa at Yelpuk Namkha Dzö
  • A Manual for Granting the Empowerment of the Lotus Ḍākinī, According to the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity, from among the Seven Profound Cycles,(ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་འཁའ་འགྲོའི་དབང་བསྐུར་ལྡེབ,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las pad+ma 'kha' 'gro'i dbang bskur ldeb), revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • Colophon: Revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa at Yelpuk Namkha Dzö
  • The Essence of Magnetizing: An Additional Manual for the Lotus Dakini within the Seven Profound Teachings, (ཟབ་བདུན་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་གུད་བྱང་དབང་གི་ཐིག་ལེ་གནད་བྱང་ཚིག་བརྒྱུད་མ་བཅས་ལྡེབ,zab bdun pad+ma mkha' 'gro'i gud byang dbang gi thig le gnad byang tshig brgyud ma bcas ldeb), by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • English translation: The Essence of Magnetizing: An Additional Manual for the Lotus Dakini within the Seven Profound Teachings, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: This additional hidden praise and invocation of the Lotus Dakini was translated from the secret dakini script by Chokgyur Lingpa. In the victorious year of the wood horse, it was combined from the handwriting of the great terton by a khenpo disciple (Karma Khenpo Rinchen Dargye) of the terton himself. May it be virtuous.
  • Music to Delight the Dakinis The Condensed Feast Offering and Concluding Activities of the Lotus Dakini According to the Three Roots ‘Profundity of Longevity’ within the Seven Profound Teachings, (zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las padma mkha' 'gro'i tshog mchod sogs rjes kyi las rim snying por dril ba mkha' 'gro dgyes pa'i rol mo ldeb,), by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé.
    • English translation: Music to Delight the Dakinis The Condensed Feast Offering and Concluding Activities of the Lotus Dakini According to the ‘Profundity of Longevity’ within the Seven Profound Teachings, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: This arose in my experience although I have not untied the dakinis’ seal of entrustment. For whatever I may have mistaken I beg the gurus and dakinis their forgiveness. Through this virtue, may we attain the form of the Lord of Display. When separately practicing the Lotus Dakini of the New Treasures, Tersar Pema Khandro, I saw the need for and felt the wish to compose an easily applied accessory text and thus I, Padma Gargyi Wangchuk Tsal, spontaneously wrote this at Tsandra Rinchen Drak. May virtuous goodness increase. This is especially entrusted to the guardian of the teachings and his consort so that unworthy people may not even see the text.
  • A Manual of Crucial Points to be Transmitted to a Single Person Only, According to the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity, from among the Seven Profound Cycles, (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེ་ཟབ་ལས། པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོ་གནད་བྱང་ཆིག་བརྒྱུད་མ།,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe zab las / pad+ma mkha' 'gro gnad byang chig brgyud ma ), by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • Colophon: These instructions should only be given to those who are definitely lineage holders and not to anyone else. Therefore, conceal it in your heart! Samaya.
  • The Delightfulness of Great Bliss: The Fulfillment Liturgy for the Lotus Dakini and the Guardians of the Tersar, (གཏེར་གསར་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོ་བཀའ་སྲུང་བཅས་པའི་སྐོང་བ་བདེ་ཆེན་རབ་དགྱེས་ལྡེབ,gter gsar pad+ma mkha' 'gro bka' srung bcas pa'i skong ba bde chen rab dgyes ldeb), by Jamgon Kongtrul.
    • English translation: The Delightfulness of Great Bliss: The Fulfillment Liturgy for the Lotus Dakini and the Guardians of the Tersar, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: Because of being encouraged by the command and accompanying present of silver from Ongtrül Rinpoche, the charioteer of the teachings of the Practice Lineage who possesses a great aspiration for the welfare of others, Padma Garwang Dewey Dorje wrote this in the pleasant gardens of Devikoti. May virtuous goodness increase.
  • A Heap of Jewels: Instructions on how to Perform the Outer, Inner and Secret Sadhanas of the Lotus Ḍākinī, According to the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity, (རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་ཕྱི་ནང་གསང་སྒྲུབ་ཇི་ལྟར་བྱ་བའི་ཚུལ་པདྨ་རཱ་གའི་ཆུན་པོ་ལྡེབ,rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las padma mkha' 'gro'i phyi nang gsang sgrub ji ltar bya ba'i tshul pad+ma rA ga'i chun po ldeb), by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye.
  • A Fire Offering of the Magnetizing Lotus Ḍākinī: A Magnet Attracting the Iron of Beings and the World, from the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity, (རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་དབང་བྱེད་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་མེ་མཆོད་བརྟན་གྱོའི་ལྕགས་ཕྱེ་སྡུད་པའི་ཁབ་ལེན་ལྡེབ,rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las dbang byed pad+ma mkha' 'gro'i me mchod brtan gyo'i lcags phye sdud pa'i khab len ldeb), by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye.
  • A Padma Rāga Ruby Vase: An Arrangement of the Empowerment Ritual of the Lotus Ḍākinī Magnetizing Goddes, from the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity, (རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་དབང་གི་ལྷ་མོའི་དབང་བསྐུར་བའི་ཆོ་ག་ཁྲིགས་སུ་བསྡེབས་པ་པདྨ་རཱ་གའི་བུམ་པ་ལྡེབ,rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las pad+ma mkha' 'gro'i dbang gi lha mo'i dbang bskur ba'i cho ga khrigs su bsdebs pa pad+ma rA ga'i bum pa ldeb), by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye.
  • Dharma Protectors of the Magnetizing Ḍākinī, from the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity, from the Seven Profound Teaching Cycles, (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་དབང་གི་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་བཀའ་སྲུང་ལྡེབ,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las dbang gi mkha' 'gro'i bka' srung ldeb), revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • English translation: Dharma Protectors of the Magnetizing Ḍākinī, provisional translation by Han Kop and David Teasdale. With thanks to Lopön Tashi Tseten from Namdroling.
    • Colophon: Since this text is profound and should not be taken lightly, the seal of secrecy should be kept strictly. Chokgyur Lingpa revealed this from [Yelpuk] Namkha Dzö
  • Secret Sādhana for the Dharma Protectors of the Magnetizing Ḍākinī, from the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity, from the Seven Profound Teaching Cycles, (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་དབང་གི་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་བཀའ་སྲུང་གསང་སྒྲུབ,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las dbang gi mkha' 'gro'i bka' srung gsang sgrub), by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
    • Colophon: Chokgyur Lingpa, guided by Sukha, revealed this from [Yelpuk] Namkha Dzö
  • Invoking the Activity of Lord Mahadeva and Consort, (ལྷ་ཆེན་དབང་ཕྱུག་ཡབ་ཡུམ་ལས་ལ་བསྐུལ་བ་ལྡེབ,lha chen dbang phyug yab yum las la bskul ba ldeb), by the third Neten Chokling Pema Gyurme.
    • English translation: Invoking the Activity of Lord Mahadeva and Consort, translated by Erik Hein Schmidt, Rangjung Yeshe Publications 1990, 2012.
    • Colophon: This torma offering to Mahadeva, the guardian of the teachings of the Lotus Dakini within the Seven Profound Teachings, aimed at the particular object of invocation, through combining a sequence of termas, was arranged in the hidden valley of Sikkim by Pema Gyurme. May virtuous goodness increase!
  • A Stream of Sindūra: An Empowerment Ritual for Mahādeva, Dharma Protector of the Magnetizing Ḍākinī, from the Three Roots Profundity of Longevity, from the Seven Profound Teaching Cycles. Sealed with secrecy., (ཟབ་བདུན་རྩ་གསུམ་ཚེའི་ཟབ་པ་ལས་པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་བཀའ་སྲུང་ལྷ་ཆེན་གྱི་དབང་ཆོག་སིནྡྷཱུ་བ་རའི་ཆུ་རྒྱུན་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཀའ་རྒྱ་ཅན་ལྡེབ,zab bdun rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las pad+ma mkha' 'gro'i bka' srung lha chen gyi dbang chog sin+d+hU ba ra'i chu rgyun zhes bya ba bka' rgya can ldeb), by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye.
  • Short Tsok Offering of the Powerful Lady Kurukullā, (རིགས་བྱེད་དབང་མོའི་ཚོགས་མཆོད་མདོར་བསྡུས་,rigs byed dbang mo'i tshogs mchod mdor bsdus), by Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo.
    • English translation: Short Tsok Offering to the Powerful Lady Kurukullā, Translated by Han Kop, 2017. Edited by David Teasdale, Laura Dainty and Jeremy Tattersall.
    • Colophon: Although the colophon is illegible, since this was copied from the unmistakable handwriting of the lord guru Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo, it is certainly his own composition.
  • Short Mahādeva Practice, (ལྷ་ཆེན,lha chen), by the third Neten Chokling Pema Gyurme.
    • English translation: Short Mahādeva Practice, translated by Han Kop, Pharping 2017.
    • Colophon: Thinking there was a special need of great importance, this entrustment of activities was written by the reincarnation of Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, Pema Gyurmé Dechen Chagpé Dorjé. & Written by Pema Gyurmé.

Empowerments Given to the Rigpa Sangha

  • Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, France, November, from the Chokling Tersar, from the three roots longevity profound cycle, the Pema Khandro (Kurukulla)[1]
  • Neten Chokling Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 5 November 2013: essential Pema Khandro (Kurukulla) empowerment
  • Neten Chokling Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 28 September 2014: Kurukulla empowerment
  • Neten Chokling Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 28 July 2015: Kurukulla empowerment
  • Neten Chokling Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 13 May 2017: Kurukulla empowerment



  1. rtsa gsum tshe'i zab pa las pad+ma mkha' 'gro dbang gi lha mo'i dbang bskur ba' cho ga khrigs su bsdebs pa pad+ma ra ga'i bum pa