Netik Phurba

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Image from the Tsakli card found in the Treasury of Precious Termas

Netik Phurba or Heart Essence of Vajrakilaya (Tib. གནད་ཏིག་ཕུར་བ་, Wyl. gnad tig phur ba), also known as the Nyengyü Phurba or Oral Transmission Vajrakilaya (Tib. སྙན་བརྒྱུད་ཕུར་བ་, Wyl. snyan brgyud phur ba), is a Vajrakilaya practice which Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo received through oral transmission (nyen gyü), one of the seven authoritative transmissions.

When Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo was staying at the Dzongshö Palace of the Sugatas, one of the five places of enlightened qualities, he had a profound experience of realisation. Then he found himself in the Shitavana charnel ground by the Shankarakuta stupa in the presence of the nine great vidyadharas, the recipients of the Kagyé. Guru Shakya Sengé transmitted to him the instruction of this Heart Essence of Vajrakilaya, according to what Prabhahasti had transmitted to him.

Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö wrote some arrangements for the practice cycle while still in Tibet. However the texts were not taken to India and unavailable at the time, and so Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche also made arrangements for the revelation. At a later time, the arrangements of Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö were found again and published. In 2018, Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche asked Dakpo Tulku Rinpoche to compile a framework for a great accomplishment practice (Tib. drupkok).


  • The Treasure Revelation of Quintessential Kilaya of Activity, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (phrin las phur pa'i gnad tig)
  • Preliminary practice for the Heart Essence of Vajrakīlaya, from the Heart Essence of the Activity Vajrakīlaya, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (phur pa'i gnad tig sngon 'gro - phrin las phur pa'i gnad tig).
  • The Rain of Enlightened Activity—A Prayer to the Gurus of the Lineage of the Vital Essence of the Aural Transmission Kīla, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (snyan brgyud phur pa'i gnad tig gi brgyud pa'i bla ma rnams la gsol ba 'debs pa phrin las char 'bebs)
  • Great Clouds of Nectar: Invoking the Blessings of Vajrakilaya, by Shechen Gyaltsap Gyurme Pema Namgyal (phur pa'i byin bskul bdud rtsi'i sprin phung)
    • English translation: Great Clouds of Nectar: Invoking the Blessings of Vajrakilaya, by Gyurme Avertin.
  • Essential Daily Practice Text for the Quintessential Kilaya of the Oral Lineage, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (phrin las phur pa'i gnad tig las / rgyun gyi rnal 'byor snying po)
    • English translation: Essential Daily Practice Text for the Quintessential Kilaya of the Oral Lineage, translated by Gyurme Avertin.
  • Visualisation for the Longevity Practice of the Kilaya of the Oral Lineage, Extracted From the Treasure Text, by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (snyan brgyud phur pa'i tshe sgrub kyi dmigs bzlas gter gzhung las khol phyung)
    • English translation: translated by Gyurme Avertin.
  • Empowerment Ritual, by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (snyan brgyud phrin las phur pa'i gnad tig gi smin grol 'bogs pa'i lag len phrin las gsang ba'i bcud 'dus - dbang chog) (from terdzo)
  • A Guide for Practising the Approach and Accomplishment Phases of the Oral Transmission Heart Essence of Vajrakīlaya, by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (snyan brgyud phur pa'i gnad tig gi bsnyen sgrub nyams su len pa'i zin bris) (from terdzo)
  • A Celebration of Enlightened Activities, A Practice Text for the Quintessential Kilaya of the Oral Lineage, by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (snyan brgyud phur pa'i gnad tig phrin las kyi byang bu khrigs su bsdebs pa phrin las rnam par rol pa'i dga' ston)
    • English translation: A Celebration of Enlightened Activities, translated by Gyurme Avertin.
  • Supplementary Text...[for the above] , by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (snyan brgyud phrin las phur pa'i gnad tig gi las byang phrin las rnam par rol pa'i dga' ston mdzes par byed pa'i rgyan bi dza ha raM / zur rgyan)
  • Victory over Mara: A Fulfilment practice for the Kīlaya of the Oral Lineage, by Pal Rikchok Drubpé Dorjé Trinlé Düpa Tsal (Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö) (snyan brgyud phur pa'i bskang ba bdud las rnam rgyal)
    • English translation: Victory over Māra, The Fulfillment for the Hearing Lineage Kīlaya, translated by Nālandā translation committee.
  • Quick Accomplishment of Buddha Activity: An Abridged Four-Karmas Fire Offering For the Quintessential Pith Kīlaya of the Hearing Lineage, composed by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche & Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (snyan brgyud phur pa'i gnad tig gi las bzhi'i sbyin sreg mdor bsdus phrin las myur 'grub)
    • English translation: Quick Accomplishment of Buddha Activity: An Abridged Four-Karmas Fire Offering For the Quintessential Pith Kīlaya of the Hearing Lineage, translated by Nālandā translation committee.
  • Sadhana Arrangement: Establishing the Tradition of Accomplishing the Karma Family, by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (snyan brgyud phur pa'i gnad tig las/ bskyed rim srid pa phur bu'i phrin las khrigs su bsdebs pa las rigs grub pa'i srol 'byed)
  • Daily Practice, by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (snyan brgyud phur pa'i gnad tig las/ rgyun gyi rnal 'byor dngos grub mchog sbyin)
  • Opening Up the Accomplishment of Enlightened Activities: An Arrangement of Practices for the Generation Stage Kilaya of Existence from the Quintessential Kilaya of the Oral Lineage, by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (bskyed rim srid pa phur bu'i phrin las khrigs su bsdebs pa las rigs grub pa'i srol 'byed)
    • English translation: Opening Up the Accomplishment of Enlightened Activities, translated by Gyurme Avertin.
  • Avertion Ritual, by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (snyan brgyud phur pa'i gnad tig las/ 'gal rkyen zlog byed drag po gtor ma'i las rim mthu stobs rdo rje'i thog char)
  • Prodigious Display of Activities, An Accomplishment Manual for the Profound Pith Instructions of the Quintessential Kilaya, Born From Mahasiddha Prabhahasti’s Wisdom Mind and Transmitted Orally by the Tamer of Maras, Guru Shakya Senge, by Dakpo Tulku Rinpoche (grub chen pra b+ha hasti'i dgongs pa bdud 'dul shAkya seng+ge'i snyan brgyud kyi man ngag zab mo'i gnad tig gi phur pa'i sgrub pa'i khog dbub phrin las rol pa'i mtsho chen)
    • English translation: Prodigious Display of Activities, translated by Gyurme Avertin.
  • The Illuminating Blaze Wisdom Self-empowerment Ritual for the Quintessential Kilaya, A Profound Instruction From the Oral Lineage, by Dakpo Tulku Rinpoche (snyan rgyud kyi man ngag zab mo'i gnad tig gi phur pa'i bdag 'jug gi cho ga ye shes 'bar ba'i nyin byed)
    • English translation: The Illuminating Blaze Wisdom Self-empowerment Ritual for the Quintessential Kilaya, A Profound Instruction From the Oral Lineage, translated by Gyurme Avertin.


Empowerments Given to the Rigpa Sangha

Practices Led at Rigpa Centres

  • Lerab Ling, August 2018, Netik Phurba drupchen

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