St Paul’s Crescent

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Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche at St Paul's Crescent in 1982. Also present were Tenga Rinpoche, Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, Sogyal Rinpoche, Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche and Ato Rinpoche.

St Paul’s CrescentRigpa's second centre in London (the first one being Dzogchen Orgyen Chöling), was opened in July 1981. The centre was blessed by visits from Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche in 1982 and (with Trulshik Rinpoche) in 1987, as well as from a large number of eminent teachers from all traditions.


  • Throughout the year, these teachings are interwoven with teachings on healing and Zen and Dzogchen—A Complete Training in the Path of Meditation.


  • January and February: On separate occasions, Sogyal Rinpoche and Geshe Wangchen both teach on Training The Mind.
  • April and March: Khemadhammo Bhikku teaches on Satipatthana, the Foundations of Mindfulness.

May: Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche teaches at the Friends House on the 12th and at Rigpa on the 14th and 15th.

June and July: Khenpo Palden Sherab gives a complete overview of the Buddhist path.

July: Sogyal Rinpoche teaches for two consecutive weekends on the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

July: Anandamaitreya Maha Nayaka Thera teaches on the Theravadan view of the Nature of Mind

September to November: Anandamaitreya Maha Nayaka Thera teaches on Abhidharma on eight separate occasions.

October: Gary Snyder and Wendell Berry lead a benefit evening at St Paul’s Crescent on the 30th.

November: Lama Yeshe teaches on the 19th.

December - February 1983: Geshe Wangchen teaches on Nagarjuna’s ‘Letter to a Friend.


Sogyal Rinpoche gives a series of teachings in January that cover many aspects of the Dharma—Meditation: Right Attitude, Sky-like Depth of Confidence; Meditation Training, Ngöndro, Training The Mind. He returns to London to teach on Giving and Receiving in February and in March he spends a weekend teaching on Training the Mind;Impermanence.

Between April and June Sogyal Rinpoche leads an occasional series of events called Working with the Emotions and Relationships. “The common sense meditative approach of the way of the Buddha is to relate simply and directly to the raw energy of emotions. Trust is the ground and space of communication. When we are able to work with our emotions in a friendly way then they are no longer a problem in our relationships.”

Dr Trogawa Rinpoche gives a series teachings on Tibetan medicine, The Process of Birth and Death, ‘Incurable’ Diseases, The Pulse and Other Methods of Diagnosis and Herbs and Medicinal Substances 22nd June to 17th July. He also teaches at the Institute of Complimentary Medicine on Mental Illness and Its Treatment. At the end of July, Dr Tenzin Choedak teaches on Tibetan Medicine over one weekend.

Between the 20th of July and the 6th of August, Sogyal Rinpoche gives a series of teachings on The Living Buddhist Tradition of Tibet, the Wheel of Life and Death, Art and Symbolism, The Wheel of Life and Mudra. In July he teaches on The Heart of Meditation for several days. He visits Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare and gives a talk entitled Much Ado About Nothing; A Buddhist Perspective on the Bard.

At the end of September, Genpo Merzel, Sensei, gives a weekend Sesshin.


January sees Sogyal Rinpoche giving a series of teachings on Awakening the Mind, Opening the Heart. He returns twice, in March and April to teach on Healing and Transformation.

In July, His Holiness the Dalai Lama teaches in Scotland and England. He gives three teachings on Buddhist Philosophy at the Royal Albert Hall and at ‘the Camden Centre’ he gives a Dzogchen teaching. Sogyal Rinpoche spends an evening with the students in London going over the Dalai Lama’s teachings.

In October, Kyabjé Sakya Trizin spends eight days at the London centre. He gives the empowerments of Manjushri and Vajrakilaya and teaches on The Triple Vision, The Teaching of Buddha in Everyday Life and the Nature of Mind. His visit is immediately followed by Sogyal Rinpoche leading a two day Vajrakilaya retreat.

Ayang Rinpoche leads a nine-day phowa retreat in November. Later the same month, Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche gives a weekend teaching on Chöd. At the beginning of December, Korean master Seung Sahn gives teachings under the title of Leap Like a Tiger While Sitting.


In January, Dr Lobsang Rapgay and Dr Trogawa Rinpoche both teach on various aspects of Tibetan medicine in London. Dr Lobsang teaches on New Dimensions in Health, Aspects of Tibetan Medicine and Tibetan Massage as Therapy. Dr Trogawa gives an overview of Tibetan medicine and then goes deeper into the areas of The Connection Between the Body and the Mind and the Nature of the Body, Disease and Madness The Role of the Physician and the Doctor/Patient Relationship and Meditation for the Physician and the Patient.

Khenpo Palden Sherab teaches on Refuge, Lojong and Calm and Clear in May.

Between 6th and 14th of July, Sogyal Rinpoche gives a series of teachings on Turning Suffering and Happiness into Enlightenment. Patrul Rinpoche’s Dharma-Good in the Beginning, Good in the Middle, Good in the End and Liberation at the Moment of Death.

Seung Sahn returns to the London centre in December and leads a weekend called Only Don’t Know.

19th of October Sogyal Rinpoche teaches on the Seven Line Prayer, from the 21st to the 26th Razor Khenpo Tupten teaches on kyérim, and on the 27th Dzogchen Rinpoche gave an empowerment of Guru Drakpo with Hayagriva and Garuda.

Between the 7th and 12th of December, Sogyal Rinpoche teaches on Refuge, Compassion, Art and Symbolism and The Heart of Meditation.


Ato Rinpoche visits the London centre on several occasions in 1986. He teaches on Meditation, Integrating Meditation into Everyday Life, The Sixteen Rules of Moral Conduct and gives an informal talk about Tibet.

Dr Lobsang Rapgay teaches two consecutive January weekends on Healing the Mind, Working with Anger and the "Medicine Buddha Healing Practice.

Between the 11th and 20th of July in London, Sogyal Rinpoche leads a tsok to mark the anniversary of the Birth of Guru Rinpoche and teaches on Inner Peace and World Peace, Meditation and the Power of Self-Healing and Understanding Death and Helping the Dying.

In July, Christine Longaker leads a workshop in Caring for the Dying.

On the 11th of November, Sogyal Rinpoche talks on A Tibetan View of Death and Helping the Dying at the Institute for Complimentary Medicine in London.

On the 16th and 17th of December Sogyal Rinpoche leads a Practice for Peace.


Sogyal Rinpoche spends three weeks of January going deeply into three areas of teaching—Meditation and Peace, Ngöndro and Padmasambhava, the Practice of Rigdzin Düpa and How to Conduct a Retreat.

Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche gives empowerments of Guru Rinpoche and Rigdzin Düpa on the 20th of May. Sogyal Rinpoche follows this up by teaching on Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö’s The Light That Illuminates Wisdom. Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche returns to London at the end of June and teaches on two occasions, commenting on Tsik Sum Ne Dek, Shyi Trö, Vima Nyingtik, Khandro Nyingtik and Vajrakilaya. Trulshik Rinpoche is also present and gives a teaching on Parting from the Four Attachments. Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche also gives a teaching at the Friend’s Meeting House on the Nature of Mind. The next day (2nd July), Sogyal Rinpoche leads a Rigdzin Düpa Tsok to mark the anniversary of Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö. On the following weekend gives some introductory teachings on Dzogchen.

Ayang Rinpoche gives an empowerment of the Medicine Buddha on the 30th of May.

Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche on December 11th and teaches on Dzogchen, Its Origins, Meaning and Practice.


On the 9th and 10th of January, Sogyal Rinpoche teaches on Dzogchen and Meditation.

From the 28th to the 31st of May Sogyal Rinpoche leads a weekend event called Dzogchen Transmission, Understanding the Nature of Mind. He and Dzogchen Rinpoche lead a celebration of Buddha’s enlightenment and parinirvana (Saga Dawa Düchen) on the Sunday.

From the 16th to the 24th of July Sogyal Rinpoche gives a series of teachings on Death and Helping the Dying, presents the three yanas over three evenings, and teaches on Vajrakilaya.

Kyabjé Penor Rinpoche gives the transmission of Nyingtik Yabshyi at the YMCA in central London over five days in November. He also teaches on Healing and Death at the London centre and the Palyul monks perform sacred dances at the Commonwealth Institute.



Sogyal Rinpoche gives an occasional series of teachings in London in May and June. The topics include meditation and ngöndro. He returns to these topics in a series of teachings given in October.

In June and July, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche teaches on the Bodhisattva’s Path to Enlightenment on six occasions.

In November, Sogyal Rinpoche leads a weekend on Understanding Death and gives two evening teachings on Training the Mind in December.


The new Caledonian Road centre in London is bought and building work begins.